News Daily Spot: Center created to develop artificial intelligence applications

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Center created to develop artificial intelligence applications

Japanese research center Riken and twenty companies have created a joint platform to develop applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the fields of medicine, industry or infrastructure, announced today the Nikkei newspaper.

Research Center of Advanced Intelligence Integrated opens on September 1st in Tokyo, and will include the participation of Japan's leading automotive, Toyota Motor and other tech giants including Sony and NEC, among other large companies and " start-up "Japanese.

The aim is to develop artificial intelligence systems capable of solving specific problems involving a large amount of data analyzed.

One of the specific fields of application is industrial manufacturing, in which Toyota and NEC working in an AI technology to help promote the efficiency of production chains from the analysis of details of the procedure that are beyond human workers, according to Japanese newspaper he said.

In the health area, Sony computer research branch is developing an AI system to recommend personalized treatments to patients after comparing your medical history with all available clinical studies.

These are two examples of specific projects that will be supported by the new public-private platform, which receive state funding of about 10,000 billion yen (86.9 million euros / 99.7 million dollars) in the coming year fiscal.

Participating companies will also help bring significant addition to specialized personnel and other resources amounts, according to the Nikkei newspaper, which also targets the participation of universities such as Kyoto and Tokyo.

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