News Daily Spot: Texas allows carrying of weapons in public universities

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Texas allows carrying of weapons in public universities

A controversial law allowing carry weapons in public universities in Texas (USA) entered into force during the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of a slaughter that left 14 dead in the state capital, Austin campus.
The standard, known as "campus carry", allows those who have a permit to carry weapons issued by the state-a condition that excludes those under 21 years can bring in most university facilities with some exceptions.The "carry campus" came into force only for Texas public universities, which enrolled more than 500,000 students, while private institutions, they could choose whether or not to implement the rule, chose not to.In some public institutions limited the scope of the measure to classrooms, schools or libraries, while maintaining the ban on student dormitories, laboratories or sports events.Advocates argue that the presence of armed people will save lives in the event of a shootout, detractors say it is a time bomb and that the presence of armed students not foster the spirit of academic debate.

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