News Daily Spot: New polls give Clinton victory against Trump

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New polls give Clinton victory against Trump

The Democratic candidate for the White House, Hillary Clinton, leads loosely intend to vote against his Republican rival, Donald Trump, according to two new surveys released by US media.
The CNN poll, carried out between 29 and 31 July, just after the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, Clinton has revealed that 52% of voting intentions against 43% of Trump.A very different a week ago, with the survey conducted just after the Republican Convention in Cleveland, which gave the mogul 48% of the voting intentions, Clinton three points result.The CNN poll did the company ORC, has a sample of 894 registered voters and a margin of error of 3.5%.The second survey, also developed during the weekend posconvención indicates that Clinton has a margin of four points against Trump, 46% to 42%.The same study conducted last week gave the two candidates 42%.The CBS was prepared by the consulting SSRS to 1,131 registered voters and has a margin of error of 3%.

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