News Daily Spot: Toshiba continues to grow despite its withdrawal from the consumer market

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Toshiba continues to grow despite its withdrawal from the consumer market

Toshiba is still alive and enjoys excellent health. And this despite its withdrawal, a year ago, the consumer market, something that bode the worst for the Japanese firm. The reason for this withdrawal, however, was strategic, and allowed the company to focus on its two major traditional markets: education and large accounts, with a special attention to public administrations.

The results have not been better. Over the last year, in fact, Toshiba has not lost even one of its large customers globally. On the contrary, it has won a good number of new ones.

Here in Spain, the situation is exactly the same. Toshiba currently has an enviable 30% market share in the education sector, and more than a 20% share in terms of large accounts. The company expects to end the year with double-digit growth, compared to 2% in the professional laptop computing market.

The company also continues to lead the segment of ultra-light laptops (between 1 and 1.5 kilograms) remaining in a more than comfortable 40% market share.

According to Emilio Dumas, director of Toshiba Iberia, in a meeting with the press, "after the consumer market, we have focused the business in the professional environment, expanding the offer with new solutions and services, and the results are really good ones". For Dumas, the fact that Toshiba equipment is 100% manufactured in its own factories "is a differential factor, especially when it comes to safety. A good example of this is that our best-selling unit, the PortegĂ© Z30, is one of the most expensive in the whole range ».

For next year, the company plans to maintain its position in the education and administration sectors, which together account for about 50% of its business. Within its new commercial strategy, it highlights a new service called Toshiba Mobile Zero Client, the first technology platform for virtualization of maximum security laptops. Users can be sure that not a single data can be stolen from any of the laptops in the network.

In fact, none of them has a hard disk to store data, and does not even have an operating system installed. All the intelligence of the system is in the servers of the contractor's company or in the company's own, in case the client chooses to outsource the service. Laptops, in addition, will only be able to connect to the central server, so that they can not establish any other connections with open networks. In these conditions, the security of the data is totally guaranteed.

In addition, the Japanese firm offers each customer the possibility to design, in the workplace, the characteristics and capabilities of the system. Only then will commission, for each case, the manufacture of laptops, which will then be tailored to each company or institution. Of course, this means a significant reduction in the cost of each terminal, whose prices will be around 200 euros per unit. The payment of a small annual fee for the maintenance of the service completes this professional solution, unique in the market.

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