News Daily Spot: Whatsapp will have 72 new emoticons

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Whatsapp will have 72 new emoticons

A black heart, a cowboy and a person dancing with a ostentatious outfit, these are some of the new emoji that Whastapp be published on 21 this month.

Emoji are images that are used to express emotions or feelings. They were born in Japan and its name means "image character".

They were popular when they were incorporated into the Unicode standard and, in 2011, Apple included in its operating system. They spread while in the Oxford Dictionary chose the emoji with tears of laughter as the word of the year in 2015.

Among those present Unicode 9.0 there are 22 people and faces, drooling like a face, a pregnant woman and drinking a selfie arm.

Section animals a bat, a fox and a rhinoceros, and others were included. There are also developments in the food and beverage category.

At the site of Unicode aesthetic variations each indicated by platform that is published and its meaning.

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