Several members of the transgender and transsexual community of Bolivia began Monday for the first time to process the change of identity, sex and image in your personal documents in a day that consider historical for their human rights.Pamela Valenzuela was the first transsexual to do in La Paz in Service offices Civil Registry (Sereci), in a ceremony attended by the leaders of the group of Transgender, Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGBT), but it was replicated in the nine capitals of the regions of Bolivia.
"Personally it is very milestone because now I'm going to improve my quality of life, I now will be able to exercise all my rights, use of my citizenship in the" Valenzuela saidThe recognition of the right of collective change of identity, gender and a new look in your documents is made possible by the adoption last May of the Law on Gender Identity.The Sereci has a term of 15 to 30 days to issue a resolution to each case after reviewing the documentation includes a psychological examination, certificates of descent, documents certifying who are single or divorced if applicable and police records, among others .According to Valenzuela, the discrimination which is the subject in fact blocked their access to higher education, employment and causes problems in banks and at airports in Bolivia where it is subjected to lengthy interrogations because their documents are a man and its image of a woman.The president of the group LGBT, Laura Alvarez, who also attended the Sereci today to present their documents, told Efe that this day "is historical" because it has put in place a mechanism that will allow a better social life.Asked if the change of identity in all documents in fact might be gay marriage in Bolivia reality, Alvarez said the Identity Act does not talk about that, but to establish a respect for their human rights.