News Daily Spot: Pokémon GO overpass 100 million downloads

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Pokémon GO overpass 100 million downloads

The phenomenon of the moment on mobile devices continues, at least for now.
The Pokémon GO video game augmented reality  has exceeded one hundred million downloads worldwide in the absence of a few days of completion of the first month since its launch in first countries.According to analyst firm App Annie, the "app" of Nintendo and developed by Niantic he continues to gain adherents and its spread continues to rise despite slow the number of daily facilities. The data suggest that the strip has exceeded one hundred million installations on mobile devices based on iOS and Android operating systems from this past weekend. At the end of July the figure was around 75 million downloads.However, Pokémon GO, mobile game whose objective is to "catch" virtual creatures through the device, continues to break records. In just 19 days, the 50 million downloads on Android, most widespread mobile platform in the world with 86% market share were achieved according to various reports. Applications that have the fastest reached 50 million downloads, Color Switch and Slither, took 77 and 81 days to do so, according to the firm Sensor Tower. Other popular applications such as Candy Crush arrived at this figure to the 112 days of its release.Pokémon GO is estimated that currently generates about 10 million dollars in revenue. Experts believe that its rapid adoption is, in turn, have a positive impact on the economy in general applications. From Appe Annie it emphasizes that the arrival of this application to market has not hurt the income of other mobile games like Mobile Strike, Clash of Clans, or Candy Crush Saga. However, experts believe that long-term impact of this application will encourage developers to try to bring new experiences based on augmented reality technology.

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