The funeral of the murdered Catholic priest a week ago for two jihadists in his church northwestern France took place Tuesday in the cathedral of Rouen in an atmosphere of recollection and amid tight security high."A priest was killed by terrorists, must be present to say no," said Jean-François, 72 retired military who declined to give his last name.The coffin, carried by four people, was admitted to the temple preceded and followed by a procession of prelates dressed in white and violet colors of mourning.Several Muslims were also present: ".. I came to show my solidarity with the Christian community is a duty we are here for conviviality," said Hassan Houays, math teacher Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, the town near Rouen where the attack took place.Some 2,000 people inside the Gothic cathedral and abroad, despite the rain, came to pay homage to father Jacques Hamel, 85, slain while celebrating morning Mass five parishioners.Death is loaded with symbolism, executed in cold blood by two French youths of 19 years on behalf of the Islamic State (EI), he has shocked France, among Christians, but also in the whole population.