News Daily Spot: Curious ultrasound showed "a demon guarding a fetus"

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Curious ultrasound showed "a demon guarding a fetus"

A photo of the creepy ultrasound appears to show a "demon" monitor the newborn baby has become viral on networks.

In a fetus image that seems to be about eight to 10 weeks old shows, and what looks like a menacing face with a naked body outside the womb.

The image, published by an anonymous user, has been viewed over a million times in two days as Internet users offer their various interpretations of the mysterious picture.

The user wrote: "ultrasound of a friend."

The "figure" seems to extend from the top of ultrasound to its base and includes a face with big black eyes and a horn-shaped mark on its head. The body tapers down to what many people decided it looked like a mermaid.

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