News Daily Spot: Banking and investment funds in Spain paralyzed waiting for the new government

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Banking and investment funds in Spain paralyzed waiting for the new government

If for many foreign investors an absolute majority of the popular government was one of the great attractions of his landing and interest in Spain from 2011, the uncertainty following the general elections last December 20 has now become one of the ballasts heavier. Banks and investment funds, domestic and foreign, have already frozen some of its operations in Mexico awaiting the complicated political scenario emerged from the polls is resolved, as confirmed by financial sources consulted by ABC.

"If there is investor concern, both inside and outside our borders. Especially concerned about a left-wing coalition government, in which we can have a significant weight. Investors have already experienced difficulties in implementing projects in regions where populist govern with the support of other parties and do not want to repeat the experience at the national level, "says the chief strategist at a large investment bank operations Spain.

This is actually a carry forward, because several large foreign funds, added the same financial sources, had frozen some of its most significant projects until January, with the hope that the outcome of the polls dissipate the political uncertainty and analysts attributed all.

However, the high fragmentation and complexity of the necessary agreements for an endowment, especially among the four parties that bring together the most votes, PP, PSOE, and citizens we are forced to postpone "sine die" the release of funds . In previous legislatures, the average time since the election and the inauguration was 35 days, but had never been a complex picture. Therefore, the suspension of projects and investments could be extended in time, even after the first half of the new year.

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